Sunday, 5 April 2009

Solar Power

So why aren't we all using solar power in our homes? This is a question many of us must ask ourselves....

Well the main reason for now, is that it is just to expensive. A set of home solar panels can cost up to £25,000, depending on the size of your house, but £3-4,000 is the usual minimum. This kind of change needs a bank loan for most people, and that's just isn't going to happen while we are in a poor economic climate.

Also, the benefits are not quite as rapid as people think. It can take years to repay the outlay in saved energy costs, and this is not what we may have come to expect when thinking of the apparant benefits to solar power.

One thing is for sure- the technoogy works and is necessary for the future. Another thing is for sure- it's still too expensive and it will be years before it a seen all the way down your street.

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